Basket Fall

Basket Fall

Welcome to Basket Fall, a skill basketball game in which you go through a series of increasingly challenging difficulties. You aim to drop the ball precisely into the hoops below and gain points. However, flawless dunks require exact timing because the basket travels side to side rather than standing static. To add to the difficulty, your basket will be altered at random after each successful shot. You can only miss three shots per turn, so don't waste any possibilities. So, what is the best score in Basket Fall?

Tips to get the highest score

Although the gameplay is simple, it is difficult to achieve a good score. You must drop the ball exactly when the basket passes through its route. Since there is no time constraint for each drop, concentrate on timing rather than hurrying it. When the basket is parallel to the basketball, you will need to drop it sooner if it is further away. Conversely, closer distances force you to drop the ball later because the basket is closer to the ball's path.

How to control

  • Click the left mouse button to make the basketball fall down.

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